Real Hourly Wage Calculator
So your boss told you that you were getting paid $10 an hour? Don’t believe it! This calculator will show you how much you’re REALLY profiting (after-tax, after work-related-expense takehome) from each hour you devote to working — both paid and unpaid. But wait! Before you approach your boss with this startling computation, make sure you see both sides. You know, your boss’s “side” and the “outside!” 😉
Take Home Pay
Takehome pay per pay period:
Number of pay periods per year:
Time Allocated to Work
Number of workdays per pay period:
Number of paid workhours per workday:
Minutes of unpaid breaks per workday:
Minutes of work-related commute time per workday:
Minutes spent getting ready for work per workday:
Unreimbursed, Work-Related
Number of work-related miles you drive your car per
Other work-related transportation costs per workday:
Your share of daycare expenses per pay period:
Dining out expense per workday:
Unreimbursed work-related clothing expenses per month:
Union Dues per pay period:
Office gifts per month:
Monthly TakeHome:
Monthly Work-Related Expenses:
Monthly Net-Profit:
Monthly Work-Related Hours:
Real Hourly Wage:
Money to Time Conversion
Enter the purchase price of any item:
Work-hours required for expenditure: